In turn, TIA will help our school district recruit, retain and incentivize highly effective teachers at Arrow Academy.
Please view the information in the links and the tabs below to learn more about the program.
TIA Resources
Teacher Eligibility
While teachers will become eligible for TIA at Arrow Academy in phases over the next few years, the state requires that all eligible teachers must have a valid SBEC certificate.
Eligible types of certification include Standard, Professional, and Provisional. Eligible classes of certificates include: Classroom teacher (Chapter 233), Reading Specialist (Chapter 239), Legacy Master Teacher.
In addition, the state requires that eligible teachers must be coded 087 (Teacher) per the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) description of codes for 90 days at 100% of the day (equivalent to four and one-half months or a full semester) or 180 days required at 50-99% of the day and compensated for that employment.
TIA Designations
Teachers may receive one of three ratings based on T-TESS and Student Growth Measures: Recognized, Exemplary, or Master. Once district criteria have been developed and finalized, after gathering district-wide stakeholder input and feedback, a teacher's T-TESS and Student Growth measures will be evaluated based upon the developed rubric. Texas Tech University will verify the process and the validity of the data.
If approved, that teacher will receive one of the three aforementioned ratings and the correlated, state-determined teacher incentive allotment for the identified campus. The designation will also be placed on the teacher’s SBEC certificate. A teacher's designation is valid for five years. Based on performance during the 5-year designation, a teacher can be recommended for a higher designation but not a lower designation. However, if a teacher experiences significant decrease in performance in the classroom or employment during this time, compensation can be affected.
District Designations
District Approval
Arrow Academy is required to submit an application to TEA for approval of our TIA local designation system. Arrow Academy is seeking consideration for Cohort E, November 2021 – April 2022. The possible sequence for district approval includes:
Teacher Compensation Considerations
90% of TIA allotment funds must be used to compensate designated teacher at the identified campus where the teacher is employed at the time TIA funds are allotted. Arrow Academy will distribute the required 90% to TIA designated teachers. The remaining 10% of TIA allotment funds generated will be used by the district to help support the management of the TIA system; including, training and support, expansion of the program, administrative costs, and professional development.
Of the 90% required to be spent on teacher compensation, TIA designated teachers will receive a stipend payment equal to 92% of the 90% required to be spent on teacher compensation. The remaining 8% will be utilized to cover employer paid benefit costs related to the TIA compensation. Arrow Academy will only implement this TIA initiative if it continues to be state funded.
There are a few important requirements for the district that is mandated by the state:
Next Steps For Arrow Academy
District TIA Spending Plan
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the TIA funded by the state or district?
TIA is funded by the State of Texas as part of House Bill 3. As a result, the state has established specific criteria and guidelines regarding how the funds can be earned and distributed.
Will all teachers earn some kind of compensation through the TIA?
The State of Texas designed the Teacher Incentive Allotment to “ensure top teachers have a realistic path to a competitive annual salary and to attract and keep effective educators in the classroom and incentivize teaching at challenged campuses.” In addition, the state designates that only teachers who are coded as an 087 in PEIMS are eligible for designations. Therefore, the system is not designed to compensate all teachers/staff. It is designed to attract and retain highest performing teachers in the State.
How will the district determine which teachers receive the designation?
The state mandates that Teacher Observation and Student Growth or Performance be utilized to determine TIA designations. In addition, other components may be considered. The district is currently determining the weighting of Teacher Observation and Student Growth components.
Do teachers have to participate in the Teacher Incentive Allotment?
TIA metrics will be calculated for ALL teachers at Arrow Academy. The name of any Arrow Academy teacher who meets the criteria for recognition will be submitted to Texas Tech University as part of the data validation process. Once the state approves, teachers will be notified of their TIA designation. A teacher may choose not to accept that designation.
What is National Board Certification?
The National Board Certification process is designed to collect standards- based evidence of accomplished practice. In all 25 certificate areas, candidates for National Board Certification must complete four components: three portfolio entries, submitted online, and a computer-based assessment, which is administered at a testing center.
Computer-based assessment
Component 1: Content Knowledge
Portfolio Entries
Component 2: Differentiation in Instruction
Component 3: Teaching Practice and Learning Environment
Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner
Learn more about the National Board Certification by clicking on the link.
What is the difference between National Board Certification and the TIA?
National Board Certification is a designation teachers across the United States can obtain. Once the certification is earned, it can be transferred anywhere in the nation. The Teacher Incentive Allotment is a program initiated under HB3 by the State of Texas. As such, the designations earned can be transferred across districts only in the state of Texas.
Will earning a National Board Certification automatically earn a teacher the recognized designation?
Will the district provide any monetary assistance to teachers wishing to pursue National Board Certification?
The District will provide monetary assistance to designated teachers for National Board Certification. This assistance will be awarded in a reimbursement upon successfully completing the certification process inclusive of the 4 components. This option will be available to support teachers that do not have a student growth component as appraised on the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). This a viable option until funding sources are depleted or is no longer available. More information will be provided in the Arrow Way - Teacher Appraisal and Compensation Manual.