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Liberation and SOS Named National Showcase School

Liberation and SOS have officially been named a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School for the 2018-2019 school year. Nationwide there were 202 schools chosen for this honor, and two of our very own campuses made the list. Here is some background of what this means and how big it is for Arrow Academy:

After a rigorous review process, each awarded school is recognized and celebrated for going the extra mile each day, building an environment where students and staff feel safe and connected. Where teachers and staff have implemented processes to increase students’ connectedness with both peers and adults on campus and learned how to create a classroom environment where students are excited to enter and learn every day. Openness replaces defensiveness. “Discipline problems nearly non-existent,” and “Academic achievement constantly improving,” are common feedback following Capturing Kids’ Hearts implementation. Congratulations to the students, parents and staff of Liberation Academy and SOS Academy!
